before you decide
Call us for a free in-center pregnancy test and consultation. Find out if you qualify for a cost-free ultrasound so you can know how far along you are and discuss your options.
first trimester medical abortions
The abortion pill is two different drugs, Mifeprex and Mifepristone, taken in one or two doses. The number of pills ordered can be determined by how far along you are. It is FDA-approved up through 10 weeks after a woman's last menstrual period. The abortion pill is not an option for people with certain medical conditions, if the pregnancy is not viable, or if the pregnancy occurs outside of the uterus.
It's important to rule out an ectopic pregnancy or a natural miscarriage and find out how far along you are via ultrasound. Conception calculators can only estimate a potential due date.
During your appointment, you will receive free pregnancy testing, an ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy and determine viability, and information on all your options, including education on the abortion pill.
Before you decide, you need to find out how far along you are and what options are available to you. Contact us for free pregnancy testing and an ultrasound confirmation. While we do not refer for or provide abortion services, we can give you the answers you need to make an informed choice. Call us today to get started.
The Abortion Pill | Medical Abortion
We provide info on medical abortions, first-trimester options, and free limited pregnancy services.